Sem Fali aloo | Balor (Valor) Phali Alu ki Sabji | Surti Papdi Recipe | Indian beans | Fava Beans | Sem Phali Aloo ki Sabji / Sabzi | Valor Phali | Balor Phali | broad beans | gujarati food | rajasthani food | No Onion | no Garlic | Jain Food
Sem Phali Aloo ki Sabji / Sabzi (Valor bateta nu Shaak ) is very popular in Gujarat and Various other parts of India, Cooks really fast and tastes super delicious with a distinct flavor of Sem Phali. an easy to follow recipe with very few ingredients.
Balor or Valor also called by many names as Sem ki Phali, Surti Papdi, Indian beans, broad beans , Fava beans to name a few, are dense with nutrition. fava beans have no saturated fat or cholesterol and contain a high concentration of thiamin, vitamin K, vitamin B-6, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc and magnesium. They are also an inexpensive source of lean protein. Combine them with Potatoes and the result is a delicious Veggie that you can't resist, Learn how to make Sem / Balor Phali Aloo ki Sabji (No Onion / No Garlic) (Jain Food) in this video.
Try this recipe and share your experience with us in the comments section below.
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Balor or Valor also called by many names as Sem ki Phali, Surti Papdi, Indian beans, broad beans , Fava beans to name a few, are dense with nutrition. fava beans have no saturated fat or cholesterol and contain a high concentration of thiamin, vitamin K, vitamin B-6, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc and magnesium. They are also an inexpensive source of lean protein. Combine them with Potatoes and the result is a delicious Veggie that you can't resist, Learn how to make Sem / Balor Phali Aloo ki Sabji (No Onion / No Garlic) (Jain Food) in this video.
Try this recipe and share your experience with us in the comments section below.
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